
Our Goal

We provide a nurturing environment where parents can feel completely at ease as their children learn social skills, how to be self-reliant, and handle challenges. We are a One Stop Educational Hub, offering a variety of courses, including talent class, reinforcement class, full-day childcare, etc. for which the children can choose a variety of courses, and the parents can do away with unnecessary trips of transporting their kids. 

Talent Class

Piano Individual Class

  • Age Group: Above 3 years old
  • One to one lesson to cultivate the students’ piano skills, confidence and patience.
  • ABRSM syllabus
  •  Professional piano teachers
  • Performing and exam chances provided


  • Age Group: 4-12 years old 
  • Group Learning 
  • Learn self-defense, build the physique, flexibility, self-discipline and teamwork.
  • Competition and assessment chance.

Reinforcement Programme

Abacus & Multi Math

  • Age Group: 4-12 years old 
  • Personalized learning
  • Build up logical thinking, focus learning, self-discipline and self-motivation
  • Well trained teachers
  • School competition chance to show self-improvement

Trilingual- Reading

  • Age Group: 5-6 years old 
  • Personalized learning
  • Learn to pronounce, to read, to write and to say
  • Hanyu Pinyin, Suku Kata and Phonics


3-6 years old

Monday-Friday 8.00am – 2.00pm 

8.00am – 6.00pm 

Saturday, Sunday, Public Holiday: OFF

“I wish that you become an independent and happy individual.”
- Roly Poly Education
“And even when you fall, you will get back up bravely.”
- Roly Poly Education